I MUST admit... I am crazy about photography... This season of P Ramlee The Musical has to be an event of which i took the most photos! from from Auditions to Rehearsals to Tech Runs to Performances... a check on my hard drive revealed that i have close to 15GB of photos taken and only 3% of it were my own photos! the rest are all about my fellow casts and ensemble!
here are some of the ones i like most. they might not be the best in my collection but i like these photos for a simple fact that they have stories in each and every photos. some are dramatic, some colorful and of course some are plain cantik.
loving the fact that i am getting comfortable with low lighting and no flash photography. but what was clear is that most of my photos are in portrait modes... hmmm dunno why though... enjoy and do comment! as usual all photos are clickable :)